AUTUMN - is staying at home.

After all effort and work Autumn is finally staying at home.

During all these days I've been working so hard on her, her introduction, all her stuff, opening and closing her to change her eyes, eyelids, lashes... I didn't even realize there was a slight separation on top of both faceplates until I finally closed everything with screws. I could mend the separation of the scalp, but as sbl girls don't have screw on top on the head I couldn't mend that slight separation, it is almost unnoticeable and her hair hides it perfectly but I don't feel comfy because I want her to be completely perfect, so that's the reason I'm keeping her in my dolly family.
I have to say sorry to all of you who were interested in her, hope you understand my position and just telling there are more girls to come.

Thank you so much for all your support.
Have a nice day.

Después de todo el esfuerzo y trabajo Autumn finalmente se queda en casa.

Durante estos días he estado trabajando con tanto esfuerzo en ella, en su presentación, en todos sus detalles, abriéndola y cerrándola para cambiarle los ojos, los párpados, las pestañas... que no me di cuenta de que existía una leve separación en la parte superior de ambos faceplates hasta que lo cerré todo con los tornillos. Podría arreglar la separación del scalp, pero como las sbl no tienen tornillo en la parte superior de la cabeza no podría arreglar ese leve separación, es casi imperceptible y su pelo lo oculta perfectamente pero no me siento cómoda porque quiero que sea perfecta, así que esa es la razón por las que se quedará en mi familia muñequil.
Tengo que pedir disculpas a todos los que estábais interesados en ella, espero que entendáis mi posición y tan sólo decir que hay más pequeñas por llegar.

Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo.
Que tengáis un buen día.

She is a sweet, adorable, nice and melancolic girl, with a deep inner world. Loves reading, listening to good music, creating, writting, drawing... she is a daydreamer, beautiful and smart, She likes going to the countryside and read under the trees, loves every single animal and when she grow up would love to fly.

She comes as the fall, like a breath of fresh air, for us to enjoy with her of the warm afternoons under the woolen blanket, to jump in the puddles and play with the dry leaves.

Autumn eyelids
Autumn illlustration
Autumn custom box
Autumn custom box
Autumn Deer
Autumn Deer

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